· 2 min read
Materialize your App

On January 31st, I was asked to give a talk at MaterialFest, and awesome event organised by GDG Cádiz (Spain), where developers and designers were all together in the same place talking about Material design and how to work better together.
My talk was just an extension of the latest article from this blog, Material Design Everywhere. I talked a little more about all the tools we have available in Android to put Material Design into practice.
I talked a little bit about what´s Material Design as an introduction. Then you can see how to use AppCompat and its new Toolbar, an explanation about a couple of new features in Lollipop such as Transitions and Ripples. Then some simple ideas about RecyclerView, and finally and explanation of CardView and Palette.
The last part of the talk is devoted to some tips and ideas to boost the Material experience. I explain for instance how to create some different animations and effects related to scroll, or how to improve activity transitions.
The slides
These are the slides from that event:
The code
I also created an example app, and uploaded the code to Github:
> Go to Materialize Your app on Github
This is what you can expect from it. It´s at the Play Store too, if you just want to try it before downloading and deploying the whole code.
The video
Talks were recorded, so I hope to be able to link to the video soon. It will be in Spanish anyway.
So if you want me to develop one of these ideas more deeply, please use comments and I will create new articles related to that.